Terms of Service

» Terms of Service

PROJECT SCOPE & CONSULTATION: Your résumé will be prepared based on information provided at time of price quote. If additional or new information is introduced, additional fees for consultation, writing or revisions may be applicable.

RELEASE FROM GUARANTEES: This agreement and the production of your résumé do NOT constitute a guarantee for an interview, as this is a subjective process on behalf of the employer. Write Stuff Resources LLC also cannot take any responsibility for this document once it leaves my office. This agreement stipulates that you are contracting for writing services only and no other assurances. Additionally, you are also agreeing to ultimately take responsibility for guaranteeing the accuracy of this document upon receipt of the draft which will include proofreading instructions provided by Write Stuff Resources LLC. Résumé writers can make mistakes, and it is incumbent upon the client to assume all responsibility for accuracy and truthfulness in the document produced.

PROOFREADING: Clients receive proofreading instructions with proof copy and are asked to check all data for accuracy and completeness. If corrections are needed, clients are asked to forward them via e-mail. Write Stuff Resources LLC is not responsible for errors or omissions that are “missed” during the proofreading process.

REVISIONS: Up to two sets of revisions (based on original material provided) are included in the quoted fee. If you wish to make discretionary revisions or more than two sets of revisions, additional writing, rework, and/or consultation fees may apply ($25 minimum charge). Additionally, a significant departure from the original draft provided will incur additional fees as this constitutes a completely different document and viewed as a different résumé.

ELECTRONIC FILES & DISK COPIES: Write Stuff Resources LLC cannot guarantee the compatibility of computer files with client systems or that documents will retain their original formatting features. You may purchase a copy on CD-ROM for $5, but please note that Write Stuff Resources LLC does not provide technical support on document formatting and cannot guarantee system compatibility or the successful transfer of formatting features.

PAYMENT & REFUND POLICIES: Full payment is required before any drafts are provided to client to prevent any pirating of completed work to date. Fees are not refundable once work on project has begun. Cancellation of project prior to completion by client will result in 50% refund of payment made to compensate Write Stuff Resources LLC for time spent preparing in advance of interview session and for time spent conducting client consultation.

PROJECT TIMELINE: Unless other arrangements are made, client agrees to finalize résumé (or accept work as written) within 30 days from date on invoice. Client also agrees that he/she is solely responsible for meeting this deadline and that Write Stuff Resources LLC is not liable for any changes requested by client after the expiration of the 30-day window. Any changes requested after 30 days will result in additional fees incurred by client.

Making payment to Write Stuff Resources LLC constitutes agreement to the above terms.