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Launching a Secret Job Search

Great suggestions here on how use stealth and find a new job without your boss finding out, from Liz Ryan and our friends at Human Workplace. I love their philosophy!  

What is a resume?

Your résumé is your representative in your absence. It is a snapshot of your intentions, qualifications, character, skills and abilities, and work history in words. While concise, it should also be as complete as necessary, an “open book” presenting the honest best of who you are–at a glance. Think of your résumé as a person.  […]

Why book proposals are important–even for self publishers

A book is both a business and a vehicle. A book’s business plan is called a book proposal. Wise authors take time to write book proposals. Why? Because planning always increase odds of business success. As a vehicle your book carries your ideas, vision, story, or message to readers. That was the whole, point, right? […]

Author Success Group to Learn How Books Are Made

Did you ever wonder how books are manufactured? In ancient times, books were hand-made treasures. Painstakingly and lovingly written out longhand, pages were sewn together. Some of the earliest books were made on leather rather than paper, like this ancient manuscript discovered in 2009. Johannes Gutenburg revolutionized the process when he invented the printing press […]

Opportunity to meet literary agents

How’s it coming on your book? Ready to pitch it to a literary agent? Some aspiring authors think literary agents are elusive, mythical beings who live in an alternate universe. But guess what? They really do exist–in OUR universe–and you can meet and learn from them! Chuck Sambuchino, author and editor of Writers’s Digest Guide […]

Writing the First Draft of Your Book: 17 Tips for Getting It Done

Writing a first draft can feel daunting. Rome was not built in a day and neither was a book written. However, professional writers understand that one day’s writing, day after day, is the key. It doesn’t have to be a chore — it can be fun and inspiring. Maybe you have a full-time job, a […]

Aspiring Authors: Beware Scammers! They’re everywhere!

A novelist friend asked me about a service she found that charges authors to find agents. Big amounts: thousands of dollars, plus a sizable commission. I am not a suspicious person by nature, but in the case of services like this, my inner voice is hollering a warning. Take a Hint from St. Thomas the […]